13 September
8:30 – 9:00

9:00 – 9:30

Dr. Charalambos Vrasidas, Executive Director of CARDET, Professor of Learning Innovations and Policy at the University of Nicosia 

Dr. Athina Michaelidou, Minister of Education, Sports and Youth

9:30 – 9:45
Policy in focus: European Education and Training in the Age of AI

Mrs. Simona Petkova, Policy Officer at the European Commission

Exploring the European Commission’s forward-looking vision and initiatives, this presentation delves into the transformative impact of AI on education and training systems. Mrs. Petkova will highlight strategies for ethical adaptation and resilience in the face of AI-driven changes and offer valuable insights into EU policies, action plans, and funding programs shaping a high-quality, inclusive digital transformation across the Union and its member states.

9:45 – 10:10
Navigating the AI and XR opportunities for Education: Case studies and Critical Perspectives

Dr. Eleni Mangina, Professor at the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin and Vice Principal (International) for the College of Science

Showcasing real-world case studies, Dr. Mangina will explore the transformative impact of AI and Extended Reality on education, demonstrating how these technologies are integrated into various educational settings. By addressing both successes and challenges, the speech will critically examine the ethical and practical considerations of AI and XR, offering educators valuable insights on leveraging these innovations to enhance teaching and learning globally.

10:10 – 11:00
Panel Discussion – The Path Towards a Just and Ethical Use of AI and XR in Education


  • Dr. Eleni Mangina, Professor at the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin and Vice Principal (International) for the College of Science
  • Dr. Jahna Otterbacher, Associate Professor and Dean of the School of Pure and Applied Sciences at the Open University of Cyprus 
  • Dr. Demetris Trihinas, Assistant Professor at the University of Nicosia

Facilitator: Dr. Michalinos Zembylas, Professor of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies at the Open University Cyprus


11:00 – 11:20
Coffee Break

11:20 – 13:10
Parallel Sessions

Session 1:  Learner Engagement and AI in Education

Moderator: Matt Glowatz

Blue Conference (Millenium Building)


Session 2: AI in Higher Education: Transforming Pedagogical Practices 

Moderator: Efi Nisiforou

Red Conference (Millenium Building)


Session 3: Closed Policy Workshop in the framework of the European Agenda for Adult Learning 2024-2025, Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth

Moderator: Ioannis Savvides

Yellow Conference (Millenium Building)


13:10 – 14:00

14:00 – 15:30
Panel discussion: Riding the wave – How academia and industry incorporate and foster the development of AI, XR, and digital skills


  • Mr. Demetris Skourides, Chief Scientist of the Republic of Cyprus
  • Dr. Marios Avraamides, Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Cyprus, Pillar Leader of Human Factors & Design at CYENS Nicosia
  • Mr. Panayiotis Thrasyvoulou, Partner  – Head of People Advisory Services at EY Cyprus  
  • Dr. Efi Nisiforou, Assistant Professor in Distance Education at the University of Nicosia

Facilitator:  Dr. Jahna Otterbacher, Associate Professor and Dean of the School of Pure and Applied Sciences  at the Open University of Cyprus

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15:30 – 15:45

15:45 – 17:45
Parallel sessions

Session 4: Innovative Approaches to Language and Science Education through AI and Digital Tools

Moderator: Nansia Kyriakou

Blue Conference (Millenium Building)


Session 5:  Case Studies of XR & Informatics in Education

Moderator: Nicoleta Pantela

Red Conference (Millenium Building)


Session 6: Ethical and Innovative AI Applications in Education: Balancing Advancement and Responsibility

Moderator: Eria Makridou

Yellow Conference (Millenium Building)

University of
Nicosia, Cyprus


14 September
8:30 - 9:00

9:00 - 9:30
Keynote Speech - Reality-embedded learning with AI and XR

Dr. Fridolin Wild, Professor at the Institute of Educational Technology of the Open University of the UK


9:30 - 10:15
Panel discussion - Teachers and Students in the AI Era


  • Dr. Fridolin Wild, Professor at the Institute of Educational Technology of the Open University of the UK
  • Dr. Lucy Avraamidou, Professor and the Director of the Center for Learning and Teaching at the University of Groningen
  • Dr. Elena Hadjikakou, Director of the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth

Facilitator: Dr. Charalambos Vrasidas, Executive Director of CARDET, Professor of Learning Innovations and Policy at the University of Nicosia 


10:15 - 10:40
Keynote Speech - The Global Adolescent Mental Health Crisis: The Role of Digital Health Games in Closing the Gap

Dr. Lynn Fiellin, Professor of Biomedical Data Science at Dartmouth College


10:40 - 11:30
Panel Discussion - Diverse Insights and Perspectives on Digital Mental Health


  • Dr. Lynn Fiellin, Professor of Biomedical Data Science at Dartmouth College
  • Mr. Alexandros Tifas, Mental Health Nursing Officer and Certified Drug Addiction Counselor (IC&RC/AODA) at the Mental Health Nursing Services Administration of the Ministry of Health, Cyprus
  • Mrs. Anahit Minassian, Youth Mental Health Technical Support Coordinator at UNICEF
  • Dr. Charalambos Vrasidas, Executive Director of CARDET, Professor of Learning Innovations and Policy at the University of Nicosia 

Facilitator:  Dr. Tassos Kyriakides, Assistant Professor at the Yale School of Public Health, Head of Data Science at CARDET


11:30 - 11:45
Coffee Break

11:45 - 13:00
Parallel Workshops
Four engaging workshops presenting innovative approaches and practical applications of emerging technologies in education and learning.

Workshop 1 (Greek or English): Digital and augmented reality applications in STEAM education, Dr. Xanthia Aristidou, Senior Researcher/Project Manager, CARDET
This workshop will provide hands-on experience with augmented reality tools and adaptable methodologies, equipping teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to support talented students aged 8-18 in STEAM education through the Learning by Design approach.

Blue Conference (Millenium Building)

Workshop 2: MetaCivicEdu - Teachers’ workshop on metaverse and learning design, Dr. Eleni Mangina, Professor at School of Computer Science, University College Dublin
This workshop will train participants in metaverse features and scenario design, enhancing their digital skills and pedagogical practices to drive the digital transformation of civic education in primary schools.

Red Conference (Millenium Building)

Workshop 3: (Greek or English): Leveraging Extended Reality Technologies in the Cypriot Education System, Dr. Christos Roushias, Teachers’ Educator - Educational Technologist at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
This workshop will explore the integration of Extended Reality (XR) technologies into the Cypriot education system, focusing on immersive 3D environments that enhance learning experiences. Participants will engage with practical examples and discussions on creating interactive virtual reality tours and leveraging AI tools to enrich educational outcomes.

Yellow Conference (Millenium Building)

Workshop 4: Collective Intelligence Integration in ΑΙ-powered Education Practices: How can we engage students? Maria Filippi (Med, MBA), Head of Informatics Literacy & Digital Education, Dr. Yannis Kotsanis, Head of R & D at Doukas School
This workshop will equip educators with resources to integrate AI effectively into their teaching, fostering transdisciplinary and peer-to-peer learning to empower students as proactive learners.

Turquoise Conference (Millenium Building)

Parallel sessions

Session 7: AI and STEAM Education

Moderator: Franscisco Castillo Hernandez

Blue Conference (Millenium Building)


Session 8: Technology Integration in Education

Moderator: Nikleia Eteokleous

Red Conference (Millenium Building)


Session 9: Metaverse and XR in Education

Moderator: Eftychia Xerou

Yellow Conference (Millenium Building)


14:15 - 14:30
Closing – Reflection - Plenary

14:30 - 15:30